A Crystal Keychain Rectangle Is a Great Way to Keep Bead Sizing Information Handy

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Engrave a favorite photo into this Crystal Keychain Rectangle and bring your loved ones with you everywhere you go. Whether you’re gifting your sweetheart or a special grandparent, this keychain makes it easy to carry their love with you. It also makes a great recognition award, paperweight, or event memento.

Bead Sizes

There are many ways to keep bead sizing information handy when you are designing projects or shopping for beads. A printed bead chart is one option that is useful if you are ordering online or planning a beaded necklace. Another great way to reference bead sizes is by labeling everyday items you already own. Items like coins, a favorite pendant or ring, or even a keychain can work to help you compare bead sizes without having a ruler with you at all times.

Give a personalized gift that your recipient will enjoy carrying with them wherever they go! This Crystal Keychain Rectangle is ideal for displaying a laser-engraved image that you or a loved one will always cherish. It comes with an attractive foam-fitted gift box.

Bead Sizing Chart

Most beads are measured in millimeters, including gemstone, crystal, glass, metal and wood bead varieties. Seed bead sizes are based on aught sizing, which means that each number represents the approximate number of beads that will fit into an inch when lined up side by side with their holes parallel to each other.

Keeping bead sizing charts handy is the best way to compare bead sizes and avoid purchasing beads that are smaller or larger than you anticipated. Use a printed bead chart or a labeled keychain to keep bead sizing information close at hand.

If you don’t have a beading chart, try using a coin, favorite pendant or other item that you always carry with you to gauge the size of a bead.

Beading Wire

There are three measurements to consider when choosing stringing wire – the diameter, number of strands and break strength. The diameter is shown as a gauge or millimetre size and the number of strands refers to the number of tiny stainless steel strands that are twisted together to form the cable.

The higher the strand count the more flexible the wire is and the better it is at resisting kinks. Choose 7 strand beading wire for lightweight designs that need little flexibility, 19 strand beading wire for medium flexibility and 49 strand beading wire for the most flexible creations.

Tigertail wire is braided stainless steel cable covered in a clear nylon coating and is very versatile. This knotable stringing wire has a high break strength and is kink-resistant.

Beading Thread

The thread you choose to use in your project will depend on the type and size of beads you’re using. You may also be influenced by the look you’re going for. For example, if you’re using gold beads, you might want to consider using some DragonThread or clear Fireline.

Nylon beading thread is inexpensive and available in a wide range of colors. It is more likely to split, tangle and knot than monofilament thread, but you can minimize these issues by conditioning it with wax.

TOHO Amiet beading thread is ideal for micro-macrame, bead crochet and kumihimo braiding. It’s also great for stringing, finger weaving and tatting projects that require extra-strong thread. This twisted polyester thread is thermally bonded and has an industry-size Tex 45 bobbin.

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